4 Reasons a Newsletter is More Effective Than Social Media Marketing for Architecture Firms.

architecture email newsletter

Email may be the oldest digital form of direct communication, but we still use it for a reason. It's an incredibly effective way to reach people. — much more effective than social media.

Recent research shows that on average only 13.5% of your audience will see your latest Instagram post. The number is even lower for Facebook at 8.6%. And LinkedIn? 2.9%.

With email, you can be reasonably confident that your message will, at the very least be seen. Your name will be seen. Even if only an average number of readers open your emails, that’s still more than 20% — making in considerably more effective than the best social media platform.

4 Benefits of Email Marketing for Architects

1. You know who you're talking to.
Social media is like shouting into the void. With email, you know exactly who you're talking to and can tailor your message to that audience.

2. Everyone checks their email.
The same can't be said for social media.Your prospective clients may not even use it.

3. Newsletters don’t go anywhere.
They aren't pushed down your readers’ feeds by an onslaught of new posts from hundreds or even thousands of other accounts or suppressed by a mysterious, ever-changing algorithm that may not even show your post to a reader. Emails are delivered to an inbox and stay there until read and/or deleted.

4. You control your email.
Email marketing isn't subject to the whims of capricious billionaires or the vicissitudes of tech companies that may or may not exist tomorrow. As long as you have access to an email account, you’ll be able to share value with the people on your list.

If your audience of prospective clients is on social media and you’re using it to successfully grow your practice — that’s great! Keep going. But consider building on that impact by expanding your digital marketing efforts with an email newsletter. You can adapt or aggregate your social media content for a newsletter, adding extra value to make sure its of interest to your readers.

In a future post, we’ll talk about what makes a great email and how you can grow your list.

A version of this post with additional insight appeared in our January Newsletter. Want to be the first to get our best tips delivered to your inbox every month? Sign up below!

Jimmy Stamp, Principal ADVSCOPY

By day, Jimmy helps firms of all sizes, all over the world, win projects, earn recognition, and grow their practice. By night, he keeps his voice fresh and pencil sharp as an avid reader and writer, finding inspiration in everything from Faulkner to the Fantastic Four.


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